By Sasha Rose Cook
I was contemplating one of the poetry prompts for Photoverse (go check it out) and realised that,while I think it’s a great poem, I don’t actually have the slightest ounce of pity for Sissay. Oh, what I would give to have one day when I didn’t have a deadline to meet and things to study instead of pretending I didn’t have anything to do and procrastinating the time away regardless of the essays I have due in the next day. Hence, this response was born unto the world at around three in the morning: another
pencil sharpening
piano playing
headache inducing
paper recycling
note taking
internet surfing
meal skipping
deadline chasing
book reading
chocolate eating
spell checking
textbook searching
slightly cheating
with too much to do
i think i’ll draw myself a future
on my bedroom walls
to convince myself
that i’m going somewhere