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Muse at the Brick Café


Last Thursday, I ventured down to the log cabins to the mysterious room that holds 'Brick Café'. Chocolate cake crumbs were lying on the neatly folded napkins as I approached two people busily at work. Producing my phone to hurriedly take down notes I managed to draw their attention away from the complex engineering procedures being undertaken. It was not easy.

The inspiring conversation went like this:

What are you making?

“We make Lego. Art. Big Ben, it’s taken 36 minutes.”

Did you enjoy building this?

“It was amazing to make Big Ben – the book has all the history and things.”

What other things have you made?

“Last time we did a pizza truck and a house with a garden and an oven, it was amazing. Perfect.”

Are you attached to your creations?

“Yes, I’m really attached to my creations.”

Shocked by the clear concentration of the two master builders before me, I watched them place the final bricks onto the tower and create this realistic model:

Turning in my chair, I now face the person next to them. The lines of concentration creased into their forehead made me look down and see the complex design she had chosen. She struggles to explain this design:

“I have no idea, it appears to be a house of sorts, there’s a dog which is great and... is that a charging electric car? And a helicopter? What?”

This, of course, immediately grabbed my attention. I then proceeded to document the progress so far that covered the bottom floor of the house. This project is going to be continued up until the end of this half-term's 'Brick Café':

Some of the other amazing creations included:

“I am making a Robot Darth Vader – he looks very cool.”

“This is a police car thing. Started it last week and it is an ongoing project”

I decided to really get in the mindset of someone attending the legendary 'Brick Café' by building my own random creation.

I plunged into the box of random bricks and pulled out a couple of my choosing. Attaching them together fueled the power of creation in my fingertips. What resulted was the glorious Water Ski Purple Sledge Thing WITH a seating area (as demonstrated by the model.)

(I am sure the Lego company will be contacting me, and Muse, shortly.)

Sadly, I turned to the door, thus concluding my trip to the legendary enigma session, 'Brick Café'. It was a joy and a pleasure to be involved in these journeys deep into the imagination and intense thought processes involved when placing these precious bricks on top of each other and creating something magical.

(Big thank you to all you brick café-ers who kindly displayed their work so I could document it for posterity.)


From the Students of Hurtwood House

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