Take a look at some new poetry voices for 2019!
Hurtwood’s very own Sofie Miller and Suwen Liew have just heard that their poems have been selected for inclusion in an upcoming anthology. Entering poems last autumn in response to the trigger ‘Escape’, both have made the cut, and may yet win even higher accolades once the book is published.
Both responded with characteristic modesty, but both have plenty to say in response to the challenges of life in 2019.
Take a look at their work and judge for yourself.
Ghosts – Suwen Liew
loving ghosts that whisk away
they come at night but leave by day, out in the sun -
they burn and cling to you like life support,
a body to hold.
but to love a spirit -
to never see,
or know.
That this distance, would be mistaken for love
Within a whole other world.
A reality in the same frame that could never be your own.
to love spirits, effigies of my imagination.
I wandered on thin ice, thinking friction would erase,
the isolation.
the fading feelings that I could sense
but never touch.
could never know
if they were there at all.
Love could no longer be mere fabrications,
Remembering that shadows could only mimic -
Not do the same.
But how do you wake up from disillusions and dreams,
If you can’t really walk away?
Lost and Found – Sofie Miller
I sometimes get lost in my mind,
Unable to explain why
or how
I got there.
Almost like I’m a foreign entity in
my body
Travelling through tunnels made of hate
Ending up in caverns of memories
I wish to erase
Twisting through synapses of chemicals
that only make me feel worse;
When they are designed to make me
feel better
Why keep breathing,
when holding
my breath;
keeps me
I’m lost in my head,
I can’t seem to find my way out.
It’s like a labyrinth which changes
entrances and
exits every hour
So where there used to be a window with light shining through
There is now a wall covered with thorns
So when I throw myself forward
to reach the sun
instead I find my hands bleeding.
I’ve got so lost in my mind
that I have now
made it my home.