It's time to get involved in something big.
In 2020, Muse will launch its first ever piece of serious print journalism, The Muser.
With articles on The Arts, society, politics, ecology, style, music, film, your articles could be a key part of this launch.

Are you interested in writing and journalism? Communicating your passions? Your answers to the dilemmas of our modern world? Want to persuade or inform? Your views on fashion? Film? Music? Travel? Politics? Write something great and it could find its way into our brand new journo print publication, and the best writing will be awarded cash prizes. That's right - money and fame!
We are looking for your writing about anything – although we have a list of suggested categories should you need inspiration or clarification.
Your article should:
Amuse – challenge – inform – and open up new ways of thinking about or seeing the world, however major or minor the subject matter. It could be able you, or it could be about the world.
What we are looking for is the quality of the writing, the way that you draw the reader in, keep focus, inform, challenge and entertain.
Surprise and amuse. Make us cry, make us laugh, make us think.
Will you take up the challenge? Do you want to earn money from your writing. We have cash prizes for the winners.
So, help us create something amazing, win some cash, get your work and your name in print, and create something brilliant to put on your CV.
Contact louise.haile or sam.turton if you've got any questions, or writing that you'd like to submit.

Small print:
Your article can be as long or short as you wish. We may make some editorial suggestions about this once you submit, but follow your own instincts.
Your writing cannot be deliberately offensive, overtly intimate or libellous.
You can submit your work when we return to school in September. The earlier you submit, the more feedback you can get, increasing your chance of winning.
You can submit as many pieces as you wish.
The aim is to publish your work online, on Muse, which we will begin doing so from September 2019, as well as The Muser.
The best articles, including the winners will ultimately be printed in a glossy magazine – The Muser – featuring some of the best writing at Hurtwood over the last year.