By Maddie Byrne

My Voice
I often find that when I speak
No one seems to hear,
I will make some sort of comment
That goes right past their ears.
When I speak I do not shout,
My voice is never loud,
It’s not the kind of voice
That could penetrate a crowd.
But in a group of three or four
When I have something to say,
So often I will say it
And no one looks my way.
I wonder if it’s because of me,
If I mumble or I sigh,
The other people round me,
They think that I’m just shy.
But other times I think that they
Hear only what they choose,
That if a voice comes quietly
It’s quick for them to lose.
I try not to let it bother me,
I try to make the choice
That if my words are crucial
I try to raise my voice.
But to all you who ignore me;
One day I’ll learn to shout,
And oath forbid, for when I do
Your voice will be wiped out.
People say that every day
That passes is a gift,
They suggest you sift
Through the sad times
And the glad times
Look only at the scrapbook
The memories you stage
Fake smiles upon the page
Face each day with a smile
And reach for bright stars while
You live, you have the chance
Dancing in a trance
Lift yourself across the brook
No matter if you’re grey,
Seize moments of the day
With your bravest stance.
But surely if you grin,
And take it on the chin
If no one knows your deepest woes,
The shadows where you’ve been
Then, though the sun’s rays shine,
As one you can suppose
They may define your skin
But you’ll never see the glow with glee
It’s not the bright you want to be
Now every day you wish away
Waiting for the night.