From the Students of Hurtwood House School
Creativity Through the Power of Words
Submissions: louise.haile@hurtwood or sam.turton@hurtwood

Muse is platform for words - used literally, creatively and practically to communicate, clarify, console and challenge.
Muse is an outlet for inspiration, aspiration and exasperation.
Listen to Our Latest Podcast Episode across all Platforms
The Muse Podcast is an opportunity for students to produce their own episodes on a topic of choice and broadcast these across Spotify, iTunes and most major platforms. Some feature deep dives into specific theories or ideas, some feature interviews but plenty are just some good old conversation!
We are always in need of submissions so please get in touch.
On The Hill Coming Soon...
Read Our Latest Blog Post on Our Website
The Muse Blog is an outlet for any form of literature produced by Hurtwood students. Articles can span any topic from short stories, poetry and creative writing to debate, opinion, interview and fact (including anything in between).
Back in 2016 Muse began as a concept from four A1 students whose aim was to create an exclusive Hurtwood blog as an outlet for their various interests and ideas Senior management had no objection, enthusiasm abounded and lots of creative interaction and talent followed. A name was produced, a logo, sweatshirts and, of course, some great articles and material.
Latest Muse News